About Us

What is CHEETAH™?

(Connect to Higher Education, Electronic Tools, Application & Help)

CHEETAH™ Toys & More, LLC (CHEETAH™) is a registered corporation operating since 2014 in the education and technology industries, with legal presence both within the United States of America and Jamaica, WI. We were formerly registered in 2006 as American Secondary Schools Application Process, with CHEETAH™ as our charitable arm. However, we reorganized and renamed the company in 2014 to accurately reflect our growth, new and improved proprietary products and corporate strategic goals.

CHEETAH’s™ founder and managing director, Paulette Trowers-Lawrence, JD is a Jamaican native and USA citizen with 30 years of progressive corporate experience. CHEETAH™ is the marketing name for CHEETAH™ Toys & More Jamaica Limited, CHEETAH™ Toys & More, LLC and CHEETAH™ Purrrrrrr Publishing.

Our Business Model includes the following:

  • Business to Business (B2B), often in partnership with other businesses;
  • Business to Customer (B2C) when we sell directly to individuals; and
  • Business to Government (B2G) with the Ministry of Education, Youth & Information (MOEYI), as our main customer.

Given our overall lean business model and flexible workplace, we operate mainly from virtual offices with more than 20 independent contractors globally and a core team of administrative and publishing staff. Additionally, we outsource the warranty of our devices locally to expert repair providers in multiple locations.

What do we offer?

We provide great, innovative, educational products coupled with unparalleled customer service including customization of products, training and community enrichment programs.

CHEETAH™ offers:

  • Electronic devices such as tablet PCs with accessories, all-in-one computers and mobile charging carts – all with our own CHEETAH™ brand
  • Content for our devices (physical books, eBooks, interactive books, apps and videos)
  • Toys and cartoon characters
  • Training
  • Charitable giving under our corporate social responsibility umbrella, including our inaugural 2021 PEP CHEETAH™ Challenge Scholarship.
  • Proprietary books published under the CHEETAH™ Purrrrrrrr Publishing subsidiary


CHEETAH™ shall become a global and recognized leader of proprietary, affordable, innovative and reliable electronic and educational products, with brand recognition primarily within the United States of America, the Caribbean and Asia.


We will directly work with reputable suppliers to create CHEETAH™ own branded electronic devices while creating proprietary content such as Apps and books that are unique to our devices. We shall partner with our customers to further tailor our products for their specific uses, provide co-branding opportunities, obtain their content, and provide excellent before and after customer service. We will also provide goodwill, strengthen our corporate responsibility goals, and provide enticing employment opportunities in communities where we conduct business.


Our overarching philosophy to “lead the competition in providing access to education” is embedded within the fabric of our organization. However, we have different themes for the many projects we work on. For instance, “chasing your dreams with you” is another tagline for our incentive, promotional and teaching programs within schools.


Dr. Paulette Trowers-Lawrence

Dr. Paulette Trowers-Lawrence is a Jamaican native with strong family beliefs and Christian values. She grew up in a large family of 14 siblings and attributed her mother, Josephine Trowers, now deceased, for her ambition, work ethics and the love of learning. Trowers’ beliefs in her “Divine Purpose” are wrapped in what her Creator directed her to call “C8”; Comprehension, Creativity, Courage, Compass, Connection, Comfort, and Character.

Paulette Trowers-Lawrence has dubbed herself, “Almost”. In her quest for personal growth and realization of her divine purpose, she is constantly snatching the proverbial victory from the jaws of defeat. The Nickname “almost” is therefore befitting of the many stumbling blocks that often threaten to derail her from achieving her dreams. She almost did not graduate from High School, almost did not attend college or law school, almost became a runway model and a grandmother, and almost died.

She is currently a Full-Time Lecturer at the University of Technology, Jamaica (Utech, Ja,), teaching Entrepreneurship, Family Business and Digital Entrepreneurship. She is also the Coordinator for the revitalized Business Clinic at Utech, Ja., and Liaison for the Online Distant Learning team.

Additionally, Lawrence is also the Founding President & CEO of Connect to Higher Education, Electronic Tools, Application and Help (CHEETAH™), the company she started while in law school. CHEETAH™ is a Certified Minority and Small Business Enterprise and is a registered company within Jamaica. Her own brand of tablets/PC, CHEETAH Tab, books and educational toys are utilized in multiple schools within Jamaica.

Overall, she is a Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Author, and Toy Producer. However, her proudest accomplishment will forever being the mother for her two sons, Derick and Jarvis.

Our Team

Walter White

Office Assistance

Sarah Jhonson

Content Creator

William Anderson


Amanda Jepson


PEP Books

Early Childhood

Learning Kits

Digital Products

CHEETAH™ Feature w/ JIS TV